Monday, December 28, 2015

Logging Operations: Co. Rd. 65 / FS 6510 Rds & FS 49 / 4920 Rds. - Starr Ridge 12/28/15

4920 rd - Starr Ridge
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FW 6510 rd  a few miles east of 395 on Co. 65
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Below are two messages forwarded from the USFS re: logging operations on roads used by skiers.

The 4920 rd. is a popular & close ski trail that begins at Starr Ridge campground on Hwy 395. From the message, am not sure if the entire 4920 rd will be plowed, or just the section starting at the 49.  If it is, an alternative would be to go 1/4 south on 395 to the Starr Ridge Sno Park (requires a parking permit) and start on the FS 333 rd.

 From: Courtney, Ryan -FS
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2015 7:25 AM
To: FS-pdl r6 malheur all employees
Subject: Road Side Fire Salvage - Fawn Springs Area
Road side salvage logging operations have begun in the Fawn Springs area. Currently hand fallers are working along the 6510 road off county road 65. Snow plowing activities are occurring along the 6510 road and several of the spur roads off the 6510. There is no log haul or machinery working at this time.
I will keep people posted as things progress.
From: Freeman, Lisa S -FS
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2015 7:13 AM
To: FS-pdl r6 malheur all employees
Subject: Venus SBA timber sale logging operations
Venus SBA, T2 purchaser, has begun logging operations on the 4920 and 49 roads. The 4920 will be plowed to the 49 road junction. The 49 road will be plowed to the 4900218 junction.
The haul route is the 49 road to the 4920 to county road 41023-63C to the Izee Highway.